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Easy Chair Byarum

Easy Chair Byarum

The model originally comes from the 1860s and was called the station sofa. The reason for this nickname was that one stood at each and every other railway station. The decorative sofa gave the travelers the opportunity to sit down and rest for a while.

Technische specificatie
  • Unieke ref.byarum_easy-chair
  • ProductfamilieByarum
  • ProductgroepEasy Chair
  • TypeObject (enkelvoudig object)
  • Publicatiedatum2020-04-14
  • Editienummer1
  • Hoogte (mm)760
  • Diepte (mm)600
  • HoofdmateriaalAluminium
  • Secundair materiaalDen
  • Ontworpen inZweden
  • Gefabriceerd inZweden
  • Nettogewicht (kg)20
  • Categorie BIMobjectTuinaanleg - Buitenmeubels
  • IFC-classificatieFurniture
  • Uniclass 2015-codePr_40_50_12_26
  • Uniclass 2015-beschrijvingEasy chairs

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