제품 게시
Oplia dB -  Zentia Ceiling Tiles (enhanced sound attenuation)
Oplia dB -  Zentia Ceiling Tiles (enhanced sound attenuation)
Oplia dB -  Zentia Ceiling Tiles (enhanced sound attenuation)
Oplia dB -  Zentia Ceiling Tiles (enhanced sound attenuation)
Oplia dB -  Zentia Ceiling Tiles (enhanced sound attenuation)
Oplia dB -  Zentia Ceiling Tiles (enhanced sound attenuation)
Oplia dB -  Zentia Ceiling Tiles (enhanced sound attenuation)
Oplia dB -  Zentia Ceiling Tiles (enhanced sound attenuation)

    Oplia dB - Zentia Ceiling Tiles (enhanced sound attenuation)

    Oplia dB has a smooth laminated finish providing enhanced sound attenuation performance up to 43 dB for improving the privacy between adjacent spaces. With high light reflectance of 86% and made of 64% recycled material.

    • Standard suspension systems: Gridline 15, Gridline 24, Gridline System Z

      Alternative suspension systems: Prelude 35, Silhouette 6mm, Interlude HRC

      C2C certification: Bronze

      Acoustic performance: aw 0.50(H)-0.60(H) & Dnfw 41-43dB

      Light Reflectance: 86%

      Humidity Resistance: 95%

      Clean room performance: ISO 5

      Euro Class Fire Reaction: A2-s1,d0

      French VOC performance: A+

      Recycled content: 43%

      15 year product warranty / 30 year system warranty

      Edge detail options: Board, Tegular24, Tegular 90, SL2

      Module options: 600x600, 675x675, 1500x300, 1800x300, 2500x300*

      * 675x675 module available in France only.

      Thickness Options (mm): 19

    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조Oplia_dB
    • 제품군Mineral Ceiling
    • 제품분류Oplia dB
    • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
    • 게시일2020-06-01
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 주 재료광물
    • 부 재료금속
    • BIMobject 카테고리건축 - 천장
    • IFC 분류천장
    • UNSPSC 이름Suspended ceiling systems
    • UNSPSC 코드30161604
    • Uniclass 2015 코드Ss_30_25_22_90
    • Uniclass 2015 설명Unit/ modular suspended ceiling systems
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 코드09 50 00
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 제목Ceilings
    • OmniClass 번호23-15 19 23 11
    • OmniClass 제목Suspended Ceilings

    지역 가용성
