제품 게시
Aruba dB - Zentia Ceiling Tiles
Aruba dB - Zentia Ceiling Tiles
Aruba dB - Zentia Ceiling Tiles
Aruba dB - Zentia Ceiling Tiles

    Aruba dB - Zentia Ceiling Tiles

    A high performance suspended ceiling tile, Aruba dB is an easy way to create private interiors. Aruba dB limits the amount sound travelling through the ceiling void, making it ideal for meeting rooms, small offices and any other rooms requiring an enhanced level of privacy.

    • Standard suspension systems: Gridline 15, Gridline 24
      Alternative suspension systems: Prelude 35, Interlude HRC, Silhouette 6mm
      Acoustic performance: aw 0.60 & Dnfw 39 dB
      Light Reflectance: 85%
      Humidity Resistance: 95%
      Euro Class Fire Reaction: A2-s1,d0
      French VOC performance: A+
      Recycled content: 37%
      15 year product warranty / 30 year system warranty
      Edge detail options: Board, Tegular24, Tegular15 90
      Module options: 600x600
      Thickness Options (mm): 19

    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조Aruba_dB
    • 제품군Mineral Ceiling
    • 제품분류Aruba
    • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
    • 게시일2020-06-01
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 주 재료광물
    • 부 재료금속
    • BIMobject 카테고리건축 - 천장
    • IFC 분류천장
    • UNSPSC 이름Suspended ceiling systems
    • UNSPSC 코드30161604
    • Uniclass 2015 코드Ss_30_25_22_90
    • Uniclass 2015 설명Unit/ modular suspended ceiling systems
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 코드09 50 00
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 제목Ceilings
    • OmniClass 번호23-15 19 23 11
    • OmniClass 제목Suspended Ceilings

    지역 가용성
