제품 게시
Insulated Rolling Fire Door
Insulated Rolling Fire Door

    Insulated Rolling Fire Door

    Fire and smoke must be stopped in their tracks to save property and, more importantly, protect lives.  Our advanced fire door systems compartmentalize a fire event quickly allowing adequate time for egress from the building.  They have become the clear and reliable choice for building owners and designers who demand the highest level of life safety and fire protection available with the lowest cost of ownership in a modern, easily integrated package.

    TAILORED LIFE SAFETY SOLUTIONS - Our insulated fire doors help save property, and more importantly, lives. Our advanced Fire Door Systems offer industry-leading, intelligent operation that: ▶ Activate thermally or electrically to contain fire and smoke spread ▶ Easily - or even automatically - reset or auto open after a fire event or power outage

    ENHANCED SMOKE PROTECTION - Optional SmokeShield® smoke and draft control conforms to UL1784 and assures that smoke will be compartmentalized with the fire and not spread quickly throughout the facility, allowing safe egress for occupants.

    CUSTOM BUILT FOR EVERYDAY USE - Designed for fire rated openings, our insulated fire doors provide security and access control and are for use in openings that are not part of a required means of egress. Factory Mutual Approved and listed with the California Office of the State Fire Marshall. UL listed for fire protection ratings of 3/4, 11/2, 3 and 4 hours.

    Closing Systems - Choosing a fire door closing system is just as important as choosing a fire door.  The advanced AlarmGard® Closing System, available in motor, chain or crank, is recommended for the highest reliability and lowest cost of ownership with an unmatched simplicity of meeting annual test and reset requirements.
    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조cookson-006
    • 제품군Doors
    • 제품분류Overhead Coiling
    • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
    • 게시일2015-03-12
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 설계국가미국
    • 제조국가미국
    • BIMobject 카테고리문 - 산업용 문

    지역 가용성
