SKYFLOOR BF - the thermally insulated skylight from Taghell illuminates rooms naturally and according to the course of the day.The unrestricted freedom in the view creates a flowing transition between living space and nature - and thus significantly enhances thequality of living and life. In addition to the light-flooded and friendly atmosphere, this high-quality complete glass frame system, tightly welded in stainless steel,enables barrier-free and full-surface utilisation of flat roofs, roof terraces, gardens and living areas.
SKYFLOOR BF thus extends the living space above existing rooms and is also accessible without thresholds, highly thermally insulating, burglar-proof and sustainably waterproof. Whether standard or customised in shape and size, as well as variable material design of the inner frame - there are virtually no limits to Taghell SKYFLOORs.
지역 가용성
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