제품 게시
Aluminum window - sliding window

Aluminum window - sliding window

4.8 out of 5 stars4.8(22 reviews)
Generic windows made of aluminium profiles are intended for all types of new and renovated buildings: residential, office, commercial, school and hospital buildings.... Window/window door installed in an exterior wall, equipped with an opening/closing system, while providing thermal and acoustic insulation, natural light transmission and solar gain management, water and air tightness, wind resistance, and natural ventilation. The main function of the window is to ensure that it is closed and covered while allowing light to pass through and allowing air to change through its opening. However, it fulfills a multitude of functions and must have certain characteristics that ensure comfort for the occupants.
  • The main functions of the system are: - Limit heat loss, sound transmission, airflow, steam flow and condensation - Protect against bad weather, such as rain, snow and wind - Resist the spread of fire - Easy to maneuver and maintain - Resisting break-ins - Let the heat of the sun penetrate in winter, while blocking too hot rays during the summer
기술 사양
  • 특징 참조fenetre-coulissante
  • 제품군Windows
  • 제품분류Sliding
  • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
  • 게시일2019-07-10
  • 에디션 넘버1
  • 주 재료알루미늄
  • 설계국가프랑스
  • 제조국가프랑스
  • BIMobject 카테고리창 - 슬라이드 열기
  • IFC 분류
  • UNSPSC 이름Windows
  • UNSPSC 코드301716
  • Uniclass 2015 코드Pr_30_59_98_02
  • Uniclass 2015 설명Aluminium window units
  • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 코드08 51 13
  • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 제목Aluminum Windows
  • OmniClass 번호23-17 13 00
  • OmniClass 제목Windows
  • CSI 단일 형식 II 코드B2020
  • CSI 단일 형식 II 제목Exterior Windows

지역 가용성
