Exterior bright and beautiful flexible direct view luminaire with intelligent RGBW light
FlexElite is the brightest and most flexible member of our popular Flex family. It includes a from-the-ground-up redesign of all major elements, from its form factor to internal electronics to mechanical design. We created FlexElite to meet the challenges posed by large, unconventional buildings and structures. At its core, you’ll find an innovative modular design that lets you create the exact number and configuration of nodes that you need for your design. FlexElite’s sections and jumper cables click together quickly and easily, allowing unequalled customization impossible with less-modular solutions. Longer run lengths and node spacing let you take on larger challenges than possible in the past. FlexElite RGBW adds a separate white LED creating better-quality whites compared to RGB.
지역 가용성
아시아 |
네팔 |
대만 |
대한민국 |
라오스 |
마카오 |
말레이시아 |
몰디브 |
몽고 |
미얀마(버마) |
방글라데시 |
베트남 |
부탄 |
브루나이 |
스리랑카 |
싱가포르 |
아르메니아 |
아제르바이잔 |
영국령 인도양 지역 |
우즈베키스탄 |
인도 |
인도네시아 |
일본 |
조선민주주의인민공화국 |
조지아 |
중국 |
카자흐스탄 |
캄보디아 |
코코스 제도 |
크리스마스섬 |
키르기스스탄 |
타지키스탄 |
태국 |
투르크메니스탄 |
파키스탄 |
필리핀 |
홍콩 |