제품 게시
Crown Sliding Folding Door
Crown Sliding Folding Door
Crown Sliding Folding Door
Crown Sliding Folding Door
Crown Sliding Folding Door

    Crown Sliding Folding Door

    4.6 out of 5 stars4.6(5 reviews)
    We are pleased to announce our new aluminium sliding/folding door into the Crown range. This stunning new addition to the Crown aluminium door family will be exceptionally popular with its unique Shootbolt & 'D' Handle and continuous hinges. The innovative hinge means that there are no bulky or unsightly hinges to disrupt the contemporary sightlines. The door features hardware designed specifically for doors - as opposed to 'window' hardware utilised on some doors of this type. This allows the Crown Sliding/Folding Door to not only be securely locked but also used as a main entry or exit operable from both inside and outside, using our robust & secure Multi-Point Lock. Standard threshold Low threshold Max-height Min-height Max-height Min-height Std Leaf 3000 1846 2968.5 1814.5 Slim Leaf 2500 1851.5 2474.5 1820 Maximum & minimum Widths (Standard and low threshold) Panes Config W/Max W/Min 2 Pane 220 2108 1268 3 Pane 330 3121 1861 4 Pane 431 4147 2467 440 4134 2454 5 Pane 550 5143 3043 6 Pane 651 6173 3653 633 6173 3653 660 6160 3640 7 Pane 770 6426 4229
    • Performance (Weather) When tested in accordance with BS6375:Part 1:2009 all products fitted with standard thresholds, when manufactured installed and glazed strictly to the enclosed details, will achieve the following weather performance - Open Out Water Tightness Class 9A (600 Pa) Air Permeability Class 3 (600 Pa) Wind Resistance Class 4 (1600 Pa) Exposure Category** 1600 Open In Water Tightness Class 3A (150 Pa) Air Permeability Class 3 (600 Pa) Wind Resistance Class 4 (1600 Pa) Exposure Category** 1200 Rebated Low Threshold (CF926) - Open Out Water Tightness Class 3A (150 Pa) Air Permeability Class 3 (600 Pa) Wind Resistance Class 4 (1600 Pa) Exposure Category** 1200 Low Threshold (DF297) (Open Out and Open In) Low threshold doors should not be used in exposed conditions, and as with any low threshold door, additional measures to prevent water coming into contact with internal floors may be required. Performance (Mechanical) The door assembly has been cycle tested under maximum panel load conditions to 10,000 cycles (equivalent to opening once a day, for 27 years). Performance (Corrosion Resistance) The rollers and top guides have been salt spray tested in accordance with BS EN 1670 and achieved Grade 5 (480hrs), defined as "Exceptionally high corrosion resistance" and suitable for “Service outdoors in exceptionally severe conditions where long-term protection of the product is required”. Performance (Thermal) When calculated in accordance with BS EN 10077-2, the Crown Sliding Folding door, fitted with standard threshold, will achieve the thermal transmittance shown in the tables below for various sizes, no. of panes and centre pane U value. For intermediate sizes, use nearest size below actual. Where warm edge spacers are used, reduce U values shown by 0.1 W/m2K. For Low Threshold doors, add 0.1 W/m2K to the resulting U value.
    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조Crown_Sliding_Folding_Door
    • 제품군Windows & Doors
    • 제품분류Aluminium Doors
    • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
    • 게시일2016-12-01
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 높이(mm)3000
    • 너비(mm)6426
    • 깊이(mm)75
    • 주 재료알루미늄
    • 설계국가영국
    • BIMobject 카테고리문 - 접이식 문
    • IFC 분류
    • UNSPSC 이름Doors
    • UNSPSC 코드301715
    • Uniclass 2015 코드Ss_25_30_20_78
    • Uniclass 2015 설명Sliding folding doorset systems
    • ProductPage.DetailedInfo.Classifications.COBIetypeCategoryDoors
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 코드08 35 13
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 제목Folding Doors
    • OmniClass 번호23-17 11 13 21
    • OmniClass 제목Folding Metal Doors
    • CSI 단일 형식 II 코드B2030
    • CSI 단일 형식 II 제목Exterior Doors

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