Made entirely of aluminum, Salsbury U.S.P.S. approved 4300 series roadside mailboxes feature both a front and rear access locking door. Available in a durable powder coated black, green, silver or white finish, each unit includes an outgoing mail tray, a lock with two (2) keys on each door (keyed alike) and an adjustable red signal flag. Mail is deposited through a non-locking access panel on the front. Roadside mailboxes can be mounted on the optional bolt mounted (#4365) or in-ground mounted (#4385) aluminum pedestals, in-ground mounted aluminum deluxe posts (#4370, #4372, #4373 and #4374) or a base of your choice. Roadside mailboxes can also be mounted in columns, masonry or walls. Newspaper holders (#4315) and non-locking thumb latches (#4388) are available as options upon request. Roadside mailboxes are approved for U.S.P.S. curbside mail delivery. Master postal lock not required.
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