제품 게시
Ruskin Aluminum and Steel Louvered Penthouses PH837
Ruskin Aluminum and Steel Louvered Penthouses PH837

    Ruskin Aluminum and Steel Louvered Penthouses PH837

    The PH837 Penthouse is a louvered penthouse utilizing the ELF837 louver blades and mitered corners. It features:
    • Aluminum construction.
    • Mitered corners.
    • Excellent air intake for fans and system inlets.
    • Provides protection for roof openings in normal weather conditions.
    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조rd-79
    • 제품군Penthouse Ventilators
    • 제품분류Penthouse Louvers
    • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
    • 게시일2009-09-09
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • BIMobject 카테고리HVAC - 기계식 환기 장치

    지역 가용성


    비슷한 제품

    3.7 out of 5 stars 3.7 (19)
    4.4 out of 5 stars 4.4 (19)
    4.2 out of 5 stars 4.2 (17)