제품 게시
Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68
Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68
Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68
Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68
Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68
Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68
Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68
Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68
Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68
Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68

    Reynaers - Sliding Element - CP 68

    Concept Patio 68 - CP 68 Elegance, Comfort and Security Concept Patio® 68 is a highly-insulated sliding system that combines elegance with performance and security. This unique sliding system is characterised by its slim profiles, allowing the integration of large windows and doors for maximum views, in combination with burglary resistance class RC2. The integrated innovative technologies guarantee ultimate performances with regard to wind and water tightness and thermal insulation, meeting with the highest standards. The sliding system CP 68 offers you all design freedom to create contemporary living spaces, combining ultimate brightness with maximum comfort and security.
    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조Reynaers_Concept_Patio_68
    • 제품군Windows & Doors
    • 제품분류Windows Aluminium
    • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
    • 게시일2016-07-27
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 깊이(mm)108.9
    • 주 재료알루미늄
    • 부 재료알루미늄
    • 설계국가벨기에
    • 제조국가벨기에
    • BIMobject 카테고리문 - 미닫이 문
    • IFC 분류
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    • OmniClass 번호23-17 11 00
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    지역 가용성
