제품 게시
Roof sandwich panels with 100mm PIR/PUR core
Roof sandwich panels with 100mm PIR/PUR core
Roof sandwich panels with 100mm PIR/PUR core

    Roof sandwich panels with 100mm PIR/PUR core

    Polyisocyanurate (PIR) panels

    Sandwich panels with the fire-proof polyisocyanurate PIR filler are designed for construction of big refrigerating groups, terminals and other buildings with the elevated fire safety requirements. They have the best characteristics among the hydro and heat insulation materials, and are easy to mount. They can have smooth or profiled surface of any RAL color.

    Polyurethane foam (PUR) panels

    Polyurethane foam PUR sandwich panels are designed for the construction of refrigerating chambers, small warehouses, heat-insulation of industrial facilities, construction of technical and auxiliary buildings. They have the elevated hydro and heat insulation properties, are economical and easy to mount. They can have smooth or profiled surface of any RAL color.

    • Functions:

      - roofs


      - refrigerating warehouses

      - commercial and industrial buildings

      - logistics centers

      - offices

      - rural constructions

      - sport halls

      Technical details:

      - core: polyisocyanurate PIR, polyurethane PUR

      - thickness: 100/140 (mm)

      - thermal insulation U: 0,18 [100/140] (W/m²K)

      - weight: 12,3 (kg/m²)

      - module widght: 1000 (mm)

      - total widght: 1070 (mm)

      - panel lenght: 2,00 – 13,60 (m)

      - standard plate thickness: 0,50 (mm)

      - adjusted outer plate thickness: 0,40 – 0,70 (mm)

      - adjusted inner plate thickness: 0,40 – 0,70 (mm)

      - coatings: Ral, Zinc, Aisi 304, Aisi 430, PVDF, PuralFarm, Granit Farm, Food Safe

      - fire resistance: RE30

      - minimum roof inclination > 7% – for panels joined at length or with skylights > 5% – for continuous panels and without skylights

      - reaction to fire (Euroclass): C-s2-d0

      - colors: all colors in RAL-catalog

      Outer profiles:

      - trapezoidal

      Inner profiles:

      - microprofiled

      - smooth

    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조PIR-PUR-RSP-100mm
    • 제품군Sandwich panel
    • 제품분류Roof sandwich panel
    • 유형건축 자재
    • 게시일1918-09-19
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 너비(mm)1000
    • 주 재료폴리카보네이트 PIR
    • 부 재료
    • 설계국가러시아
    • 제조국가러시아
    • BIMobject 카테고리건축 - 지붕
    • IFC 분류지붕
    • UNSPSC 이름Insulation
    • UNSPSC 코드3014
    • Uniclass 2015 코드Pr_20_93_84_84
    • Uniclass 2015 설명Structural insulated roof panels
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 코드07 41 00
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 제목Roof Panels
    • OmniClass 번호23-13 35 21 19 15
    • OmniClass 제목Structural Insulated Panels

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