Regal is a modern and original two modular roof tile.
Regal is a modern and orginal two modular roof tiles. Unique, sculpted and set back angle 30 mm high crease with the groove in the upper wave causes a unique visual effect. Refraction of light and shadows formed in places embossment give the roof a unique character.
The use of special mounting screws with flat head TORX makes mounting hardware is almost invisible, so that the roof looks elegant and exclusive.
Regal roofing tile size is matched to the needs of customers. The length and width of the panels make them easy to handle. So they are easy to bring up on the roof and manageable during mountingwork
Regal is made from the high quality steel, which is protected by a unique coating Plannja Hard Coat Glossy 50. Therefore Finnera tile is covered by 30-year warranty.
지역 가용성
유럽 |
건지 |
노르웨이 |
덴마크 |
뤽상부르 |
리히텐슈타인 |
맨섬 |
모나코 |
몰타 |
바티칸 시국 |
산마리노 |
스발바르 얀마옌 제도 |
스웨덴 |
아이슬란드 |
안도라 |
올란드 제도 |
저지섬 |
지브롤터 |
키프러스 |
페로 제도 |
핀란드 |