PK-30 System sliding doors up to 10′ in width and or up to 12′ in height are standard. Single sliding, bi-parting, bi-passing, double and triple telescoping pocket or uni-directional doors are all available. Continuous recessed bottom guide channels add stability but are not required in most applications. PK-30 System sliding door hardware from Hawa AG is compact, strong and reliable, requiring only a soft touch to operate quietly and smoothly. PK-30 offers innovative, efficient solutions for sliding doors up to 450 lb. Use the PK-30 door weight calculator or contact PK-30 to determine the appropriate fitting set for your project.
FSB sliding door locks are standard. The FSB sliding pocket door lock has an integral edge pull, an ADA compliant sliding door lock with vertically mounted levers is a new and unique offering. All FSB locks are available in a variety of functions. Standard North American cylinders allow you to match building standard keyways. Additional hardware solutions include; flush pulls, flush bolts, edge pulls and electromagnetic locks.
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