제품 게시
Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings
Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings
Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings
Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings
Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings
Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings
Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings
Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings
Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings
Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings
    Pietre d'Arredo

    Calepio - Reconstructed stone facings

    Calepio recaptures the timeless charm of Credaro stone, an authentic icon of Lombard architecture. With shades of cream, antique white, light grey, antique grey and earth grey, this stone paints a fresco of bygone eras, including mighty walls and fortified castles. A sublime fusion of refined and rough, Calepio is majestic yet simple in appearance. Its square forms lend buildings a welcoming aura of solidity. In addition to being an architectural element, Calepio attests to a tangible link with history, an elegance that blends in with its surroundings, transforming buildings into true works of art.

    • Cladding supply and laying in reconstructed stone, frost-proof, breathable, low-water absorption of type CALEPIO, in colour ………………, from the COLMEF S.r.l. PIETRE D’ARREDO brand, for the cladding of internal and external walls.

      For laying, use a natural, anti-efflorescence hydraulic lime-based levelling adhesive with optimal performance and zero vertical slippage of type ARREDOCOLLA from the COLMEF S.r.l. PIETRE D'ARREDO brand.

      Point the cladding stone using the appropriate breathable low-water absorption mortar of type ARREDOSTUCCO, in colour ………………, from the COLMEF S.r.l. PIETRE D’ARREDO brand.

      For the pointing of laid stone cladding on a thermal insulating system, always add a lightweight aggregate of type ARREDOLIGHT from the COLMEF S.r.l. PIETRE D’ARREDO brand to the paste in order to increase breathability and reduce the weight on the wall.

    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조pietredarredo-stones-calepio
    • 제품군Pietre d'Arredo
    • 제품분류Contemporary
    • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
    • 게시일2024-08-29
    • 에디션 넘버1
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