Rolling steel door model 610 is a perennial best-seller for good reason. The standard features exceed the norm for quality and a myriad of options allow for true customization. The Model 610 is built with a standard galvanized steel curtain, or an optional stainless steel or aluminum curtain. The standard curtain slat is the attractive C-187 curved profile, with additional slat options available in curved and flat. Finishes range from four standard colors to approximately 200 powder coat colors or matched to your specification. A host of other options — including motor operation, pass doors, exhaust ports, between-jambs mounting, cylinder locks and special usage packages — allow the 610 to be adapted to any environment.
Security and Storm Shelter Model 610F is a specialized option designed for storm shelters, schools and emergency operations centers. Model 610F provides tornado resistance while meeting the high wind load and impact requirements for FEMA 361.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact an Overhead Door Distributor when exact dimensions are required.
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