Discreet in size but with a powerful presence, bring your bathroom up a notch with our towel hooks.
Compact and robust towel hooks, with a range of finish to bring a sculptural elegance to your bathroom. Mora Armatur´s bathroom accessories are designed to bring a level of polish and modernity to your interior. Each has an eye-pleasing, slightly over-sized scooped hook and a decorative scored midsection. Available in sharp, clean chrome, polished or brushed brass and a tactile matte black or white.
Chrome. Art.no: 521050 RSK 8755033 NRF 4294355 LVI 5778247 EAN 7391887258664 Matte black. Art.no: 521050.12 RSK 8755034 NRF 4294356 LVI 5778248 EAN 7391887258671 Matte white. Art.no: 521050.22 RSK 8755038 NRF 4294359 LVI 5778251 EAN 7391887258688 Polished brass. Art.no: 521050.60 RSK 8755036 NRF 4294357 LVI 5778249 EAN 7391887258695 Brushed brass. Art.no: 521050.62 RSK 8755037 NRF 4294358 LVI 5778250 EAN 7391887258701
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