제품 게시
Wall ladder system with 150 offset
Wall ladder system with 150 offset
Wall ladder system with 150 offset
Wall ladder system with 150 offset

    Wall ladder system with 150 offset

    Wall ladder system with 150 mm. offset for facade installation. The wall ladder comes with different console depth depending on eave dimension. To prohibit unwarranted access to the wall ladder it should end 3 meters above ground or the climbing protection plate shall be connected to the lower part of the ladder. When the facade height is below 5 meter use the sliding protection in combination with a ground ladder. Optional wire system and hand rail features. The wire system option eliminates the need to reconnect the personal fall protection equipment when ascending or descending the wall ladder. The hand rail option provides a safe way to move from the wall ladder to the roof area. Approved as an anchorage point for personal fall protection equipment.
    • Ladder width is 450 mm. Maximum distance between consoles are 2000 mm. The facade ladder is CE-labelled and conforms to SS 831340. Made of zink-magnesium coated steel. Powder coated in a wide range of colors. 30 years warranty. Weight: 3,0 kg/m.
    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조wall-ladder-system-kofsn-150
    • 제품군Roof Safety System
    • 제품분류Wall Ladder System
    • 유형조립식 (다중 개체)
    • 게시일2017-12-12
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 주 재료아연 도금 강판
    • 설계국가스웨덴
    • 제조국가스웨덴
    • BIMobject 카테고리건축 - 지붕 액세서리
    • IFC 분류객체
    • UNSPSC 이름Ladders
    • UNSPSC 코드30191501
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