제품 게시
Lane Home Furnishings 57004 Warwick Reclining Sofa
Lane Home Furnishings 57004 Warwick Reclining Sofa
Lane Home Furnishings 57004 Warwick Reclining Sofa

    Lane Home Furnishings 57004 Warwick Reclining Sofa

    Sense, sensibility and a bit of bold indulgence.This reclining sofa with two recliners on each end of the sofa that features transitional styling with recessed arms and softly contrasting sew lines that accent this soft, amazing leather looking fabric. This sink-in comfortable set is the ultimate in transitional styling. Its recessed top arms have just right padding and are just right height. Pad-over chaise design, and double bustle back cushions offer soft, supple head-to-toe support. Contrasting toss pillows provide a finishing touch of fun, functional flair. Seat cushions feature Lane C3 pocketed coils for added support while still giving a super plush feel. Hardwood lumber in all load-bearing areas of frame and sinuous wire spring support system.

    As Featured on Amazon.com

    #LaneHomeFurnishings #Sofa #RecliningSofa

    • Dimensions
      Width: 90.00"
      Depth: 41.00"
      Height: 42.00"

    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조Lane-Home-Furnishings-57004-Warwick-Reclining-Sofa
    • 제품군Living Room
    • 제품분류Reclining Sofa
    • 유형문서(정보)
    • 게시일2019-03-20
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 설계국가미국
    • BIMobject 카테고리가구 - 소파
    • UNSPSC 이름Furniture and Furnishings
    • UNSPSC 코드56
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 코드12 00 00
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 제목Furnishings
    • OmniClass 번호23-21 23 00
    • OmniClass 제목Residential Furniture and Equipment

    지역 가용성
