Kalfire W53/50R is a closed wood fireplace. A wood fire has incomparable power to captivate. Not only does a blazing fire provide warmth, it also creates a cosy, intimate atmosphere. Kalfire is continuously seeking to develop this convivial aspect of its fires while optimizing their performance, research which has given rise to the new generation of Kalfire W closed fires. Compared to a traditional fireplace, the only thing we haven’t changed is the wood.
Room divider
Today’s homes are increasingly designed with an open plan where areas for different functions flow into one another. The Kalfire W53/50R is the perfect way to split a space without closing it off while simultaneously creating a cosy atmosphere. The seamless curved glass ensures that the captivating flames can be enjoyed from every angle – as can the warmth they provide. The design potential of this unique fireplace is infinite: it can be integrated into a dividing partition or stand alone, with the flue connection from the back or the top. The sleek design suits any interior.
지역 가용성
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그리스 |
네덜란드 |
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덴마크 |
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러시아 |
루마니아 |
뤽상부르 |
리투아니아 |
리히텐슈타인 |
맨섬 |
모나코 |
몬테네그로 |
몰도바 |
몰타 |
바티칸 시국 |
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벨로루시 |
보스니아 헤르체고비나 |
북마케도니아 |
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산마리노 |
세르비아 |
스웨덴 |
스위스 |
스페인 |
슬로바키아 |
슬로베니아 |
아이슬란드 |
아일랜드 |
안도라 |
알바니아 |
에스토니아 |
영국 |
오스트리아 |
우크라이나 |
이탈리아 |
지브롤터 |
체코 공화국 |
크로아티아 |
키프러스 |
포르투갈 |
폴란드 |
프랑스 |
핀란드 |
헝가리 |