Kalfire GP70/75S is a closed gas fireplace. The size or style of a room is not an obstacle – our closed gas fires are suitable for any type of interior. We design our models with perfection in mind and never compromise on quality or style.
Prestige burner (Kalfire GP-range)
The patented Prestige burner is integrated directly within highly realistic ceramic logs, which are stacked in a pyramid. This results in high, blazing flames that leap directly from the logs, giving an unparalleled impression of a wood fire.
Three-sided model
As the name indicates, three-sided models are essentially wrapped in glass on three sides. The frameless glass panel bends around the fire, giving an expansive and unimpeded view from three sides. Whatever the style of your interior, the three-sided model always attracts attention, allowing observers to enjoy the realistic play of flames from practically any location in the room. Kalfire offers a large choice of three-sided gas fires.
지역 가용성
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그리스 |
네덜란드 |
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덴마크 |
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러시아 |
루마니아 |
뤽상부르 |
리투아니아 |
리히텐슈타인 |
맨섬 |
모나코 |
몬테네그로 |
몰도바 |
몰타 |
바티칸 시국 |
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벨로루시 |
보스니아 헤르체고비나 |
북마케도니아 |
불가리아 |
산마리노 |
세르비아 |
스웨덴 |
스위스 |
스페인 |
슬로바키아 |
슬로베니아 |
아이슬란드 |
아일랜드 |
안도라 |
알바니아 |
에스토니아 |
영국 |
오스트리아 |
우크라이나 |
이탈리아 |
지브롤터 |
체코 공화국 |
크로아티아 |
키프러스 |
포르투갈 |
폴란드 |
프랑스 |
핀란드 |
헝가리 |