The Kalfire E-one 130CL (Corner left) is an electric corner holographic fireplace with front glass, one side(left or right) and optional heating.
The projection of 3D holographic flames on the handmade logs imitates true-to-life fire. Options such as the realistic glow bed, crackling sound and optional Atmos Heating ensure an optimal fire experience.
The E-one 130CL jumps out of the interior to become the eye-catcher in your living space. Admire the holographic flames through the side and be amazed by the realistic fire. With a width of 130cm, the E-one 130CL is perfect for use as a cinewall. Kalfire E-one holographic ambient fireplaces can be customised to suit personal preferences. Our exclusive and certified dealers are your helping hand in the installation and realisation of your dream design.
Atmos Heating: ambient fire with heating
The E-one is available with an innovative heating element called Atmos Heating. This element is exclusively available for the built-in versions of the Kalfire E-one (all variants except the E-one 100F FR). The heating element provides a pleasant and continuous flow of warm air at a 45-degree angle. This heating ensures an optimal fire experience that is unique for electric fireplaces.
Create your own fire
We give you options to create your own fire. Among other things, personalise the intensity and height of the flames, shuffle through flame images, choose the sound and intensity of the glow bed. Save all these settings in the Kalfire Moods, so that from now on you can watch your own fire at the click of a button.
The height of the E-one 130CL ranges from 597 to 728.5 mm, depending on whether the atmos heating system is added.
지역 가용성
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루마니아 | |
뤽상부르 | |
리투아니아 | |
리히텐슈타인 | |
맨섬 | |
모나코 | |
몬테네그로 | |
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몰타 | |
바티칸 시국 | |
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보스니아 헤르체고비나 | |
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불가리아 | |
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세르비아 | |
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지브롤터 | |
체코 공화국 | |
크로아티아 | |
키프러스 | |
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프랑스 | |
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