2.0 Channel Commercial-Grade Soundbar
The JBL Pro SoundBar PSB-1 is a cost-effective, commercial-grade active soundbar designed specifically for use in applications such as hotel guestrooms and cruise ship staterooms. With an optimized feature set targeting the unique requirements of these applications, the Pro SoundBar reduces the cost and complexity found in consumer-grade soundbars while providing excellent sound quality, security, and reliability.
The all-in-one design of the Pro SoundBar provides full-range sound without the need for a separate subwoofer, providing excellent quality audio while minimizing sound transfer to neighboring rooms. For further volume management, the Pro SoundBar offers a 4-position volume limiting switch to control the maximum volume output of the soundbar. The Pro SoundBar supports both fixed and variable source volume for maximum TV compatibility. Controls for the volume switch and source volume selection can be covered by a lockout plate to prevent tampering by anyone other than the support staff.
Clarity at Any Level
Better clarity at low levels allows users to hear without increasing volume to intrusive levels.
Front-Facing Speakers
Front-facing speakers offer improved clarity over internal television speakers. TV speakers are typically rear or downward facing, diminishing the quality and volume and increasing sound transference.
Premium Materials
No cloth is used on the speaker grill, making the product easier to clean and maintain and less prone to damage.
Flexible and Easy to Use
The JBL Pro SoundBar is compatible with both fixed volume and variable volume control schemes. Whether the volume is controlled directly at the soundbar or upstream at the TV, the Pro SoundBar is able to support these scenarios, with a single remote controlling the entire system.
This is made possible by the Pro SoundBar’s IR Learning feature. In fixed volume scenarios, where the volume is controlled at the soundbar, the Pro SoundBar is able to “learn” the IR pulse of volume up and volume down controls, meaning any remote can be used—programmable or not. This allows guests to use a television remote to adjust the entire system without the need to use a smart remote. No matter the system requirements, the JBL Pro SoundBar offers users a simplified experience.
Keywords: Harman
지역 가용성
북미 |
과들루프 |
과테말라 |
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그린란드 |
네덜란드령 카리브 해 지역 |
니카라과 |
도미니카 |
도미니카 공화국 |
마르티니크 |
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미국 |
미국령 버진아일랜드 |
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생마르탱 |
생바르텔레미 |
생피에르앤드미클롱 |
세인트루시아 |
세인트빈센트그레나딘 |
세인트키츠네비스 |
신트마르턴 |
아루바 |
아이티 |
앤티가 바부다 |
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영국령 버진아일랜드 |
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자메이카 |
캐나다 |
케이맨 군도 |
코스타리카 |
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터크스케이커스 제도 |
트리니다드토바고 |
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