제품 게시
Invacare Mariner Rehab Shower Wheelchair, with Commode Opening, 18" Seat Width, 6895
Invacare Mariner Rehab Shower Wheelchair, with Commode Opening, 18" Seat Width, 6895
Invacare Mariner Rehab Shower Wheelchair, with Commode Opening, 18" Seat Width, 6895
Invacare Mariner Rehab Shower Wheelchair, with Commode Opening, 18" Seat Width, 6895
Invacare Mariner Rehab Shower Wheelchair, with Commode Opening, 18" Seat Width, 6895
Invacare Mariner Rehab Shower Wheelchair, with Commode Opening, 18" Seat Width, 6895
Invacare Mariner Rehab Shower Wheelchair, with Commode Opening, 18" Seat Width, 6895

    Invacare Mariner Rehab Shower Wheelchair, with Commode Opening, 18" Seat Width, 6895

    The Invacare Mariner Rehab Shower Wheelchair, With Commode Opening, 18" Seat Width, 6895 offers a lightweight aluminum frame and stainless steel hardware making it ideal for shower use for the elderly and disabled. This mobile shower chair is designed for use in the shower, but also fits over most standard toilet bowls. Flip-back padded arms, swing-away front riggings and a four-position padded seat aid in providing user comfort along with tool-less adjustable height footrests. Folds into a compact unit for storage and transport.

    • Mobile shower chair designed for use in the shower. Fits over most standard toilet bowls.
    • Offers a lightweight aluminum frame and stainless steel hardware making it ideal for shower use.
    • Flip-back padded arms, swing-away front riggings and a four-position padded seat aid in providing user comfort. Tool-less adjustable height footrests.
    • Folds into a compact unit for storage and transport.
    • Safety strap included.

    As Feature On Amazon.com

    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조Invacare-6895-Rehab-Shower-Wheelchair
    • 제품군Bath Safety
    • 제품분류Shower Chairs
    • 유형문서(정보)
    • 게시일2019-03-04
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 높이(인치)32
    • 너비(inches)24.5
    • 깊이(inches)38
    • 주 재료금속
    • 설계국가미국
    • 순 중량(Lbs)41
    • BIMobject 카테고리의료 - All
    • UNSPSC 이름Furniture and Furnishings
    • UNSPSC 코드56
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 코드12 52 13
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 제목Chairs
    • OmniClass 번호23-25 49 11 25
    • OmniClass 제목Wheelchairs

    지역 가용성
