Boost thermal insulation, banish energy costs
By delivering world-class selectivity, eXtra Selective (SNX) 50 Ultra helps reduce energy costs by lowering the demand for artificial lighting, air conditioning and heating. With a transparent appearance, low reflection and consistent colour, it is the ideal choice for completely glazed facades.
THICKNESS 4 - 12 mm
APPLICATIONS Facades Windows Doors Curtain Walls Roofs Skylights
MANUFACTURING OPTIONS Laminated Heat Strengthened Annealed HT version with TPF foil for Heat-Treatable applications: Tempered
AVAILABLE SIZES Maximum Height x Width: 3210 x 6000 mm
RECOMMENDED COATING POSITIONS Double glazed: 2 Triple Glazed: 2
APPLICATION TYPE Can be used in: Insulating Glass Unit
지역 가용성
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리히텐슈타인 |
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몰타 |
바티칸 시국 |
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산마리노 |
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스발바르 얀마옌 제도 |
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오스트리아 |
올란드 제도 |
우크라이나 |
이탈리아 |
저지섬 |
지브롤터 |
체코 공화국 |
크로아티아 |
키프러스 |
페로 제도 |
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