An effective way to improve the acoustics of a room without having to change existing installations such as ventilation, cables, lights, etc. is to mount Effekt ceiling absorbers. With even distribution based on the needs of the local area, it becomes an affordable solution that reduces a lot of audio spread in the longitudinal direction of the room. Customize your absorbents by choosing from the core material in several colours and laminate them with the Hush textile, available in several different colors.
Effekt is made in three standard sizes and has a thickness of 50 mm for good sound absorption. Effekt is hung by wire strings that connect and form a wall. An affordable solution that reduces a lot of sound propagation in the length of the room and parts of the room in smaller rooms. Design your unique room divider by choosing from several different core material colours, several different hang wire colours, and a variety of colors from the Hush textile. As the design of the product may challenge for climbing and the product is not suitable for that, Effekt as a room divider is not recommended for school and care, however, Effekt ceiling absorbent can be used without problem.
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