The designer Runa Klock has used nature and the beautiful curves of roots as inspiration for Our table Root. The unique shapes that emerge when their trees root elegantly over each other clearly come to an end in the chassis design.
Root consists of six tables of different shapes, sizes and heights. Common to all tables is that they are at lounge height. The shape of the tables complements each other and can be used alone or in a combination.
Table top in 12 mm UV lacquered valchromat with straight edge.
The table top is delivered with colour-matching table top and base, or black base
Table top can also be provided with 8 mm tempered colored glass.
Base 12 mm solid square steel
Felt glider
The base is lacquered in the Sahara Collection from Jotun, which provides a textured surface.
Delivered flat-packed 1 table per carton.
Glass and valchromat accenturate the materialistic texture
지역 가용성
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덴마크 |
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루마니아 |
뤽상부르 |
리투아니아 |
몬테네그로 |
몰도바 |
벨기에 |
벨로루시 |
보스니아 헤르체고비나 |
북마케도니아 |
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세르비아 |
스발바르 얀마옌 제도 |
스웨덴 |
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스페인 |
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아이슬란드 |
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영국 |
오스트리아 |
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이탈리아 |
체코 공화국 |
크로아티아 |
키프러스 |
포르투갈 |
폴란드 |
프랑스 |
핀란드 |
헝가리 |