9000XE shower kits are a series of shower mixers and shower sets in chrome or brushed chrome suitable for all types of showers and bathrooms.
These mixers have carefully balanced pressure and temperature regulation, low weight, and noise absorbing as well as energy-saving functions. The shower sets come with adjustable wall brackets, metal shower hoses and functions that ensure comfortable water pressure without wasting water.
All the mixers have double check valves for added safety and can be supplemented with a tub spout.
9000XE shower kit is our complete shower kit with a mixer and shower set in chrome or brushed chrome. The mixer, combined with the large nozzle, delivers a pleasant shower experience with good pressure and an ample jet range without wasting water. The shower kit is easy to install in all types of bathrooms. The product can be supplemented with a tub spout.
Chrome. 160 c/c. Flow 7,5 l/min. Art.no: 8682-0000. RSK: 8283228.
Brushed chrome. 160 c/c. Flow 7,5 l/min. Art.no: 8682-0003. RSK: 8283230.
지역 가용성
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리투아니아 |
리히텐슈타인 |
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바티칸 시국 |
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지브롤터 |
체코 공화국 |
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