CubiQ Premium 1-sided bicycle stand for 3, 4 or 5 bicycles and center-to-center distance between bicycles is 500 mm.
CubiQ product family is developed together with architects, landscape designers and cyclists.
CubiQ Premium and Standard are truly modular bike rack models, where the distance between the arches can be freely adjusted by the customer, also after installation
There are one- and two-sided versions of both CubiQ models and CubiQ can also be used to create long rows of bike racks. The three-step adjustment of the arches' angle lets you point them left, right or to the centre. To make the choice little easier, we offer three standard distances for the arches: 420, 500 and 600 mm.
Compatible with our shelter models: Akva, Vario and Vivid.
Suitable for all types of bicycles, including fatbikes.
Developed and manufactured in Finland.
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