Embodying Scandinavian functional design, Finbin® City® litter bin product family has been conquering the world since the 1990s. The product design of City® litter bin is based on detailed surveys and tests. The design team, led by Hannu Kähönen, was tasked with creating a litter bin that could be emptied as easily, safely and efficiently as possible. Another goal for design was to develop a sturdy product that would resist vandalism and endure long-term mechanical strain.
Originally designed for the City of Helsinki, City® litter bin was a classic from the start. City® litter bin and its latest product versions are familiar sights around the world.
The timeless design of Finbin® City® litter bin is well suited to many environments. The eye-catching City® Castle exemplifies how the design of the City Series has evolved over time. Castle has been designed to meet the same functional goals as the original City litter bins.
The City® litter bins are made of high-quality stainless steel and galvanized powder coated steel.
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