Décor Flush II panels are recommended for siding, fascias, or soffits only. When used for wall applications, Décor Flush II should only be installed vertically. Install panels plumb, level and straight so it is watertight and without waves or other distortions, allowing for thermal movement considerations. Apply sealant tape or caulking as necessary at flashing and panel joints to prevent water penetration.
Fabral is the premier supplier of metal roofing and wall panels for architectural, educational, commercial, industrial and agricultural applications. From energy-saving cladding for schools to vibrant enclosure systems for large retail chains, Fabral is a reliable solution for whatever market you’re in.
Modern-day models for education facilities have been designed with Fabral products. As the leading provider of metal for building envelope solutions, Fabral systems have been specified for projects in every commercial building segment. Durable exterior cladding is fitting for schools to tightly seal the building — netting next-level energy efficiency.
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