제품 게시
Inwards opening window Wood/Alu
Inwards opening window Wood/Alu
Inwards opening window Wood/Alu
Inwards opening window Wood/Alu
Inwards opening window Wood/Alu

    Inwards opening window Wood/Alu

    A quality window with double sealing strips. Can be used in both modern and traditional architecture. Our inwards opened window is manufactured according to German DIN68 standard and is inwards side-hung with dreh-kip function. With a handle movement, you can change the fitting and thus get a smart ventilation function at the top, without the need for flower pots to be moved when ventilating. Today's generation has built-in microventilation and break reinforcement on all four sides. The construction allows over-insulation of the frame.

    Ekstrand's aluminum cladding is more advanced compared to other products on the market. The profile is insulated and glued to the glass to break cold bridges and increase burglary protection.

    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조inwards-opening-window-wood-alu
    • 제품군Windows
    • 제품분류Inwards opening wooden
    • 유형건축 자재
    • 게시일2024-10-15
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 주 재료나무
    • 부 재료알루미늄
    • 설계국가스웨덴
    • 제조국가스웨덴
    • BIMobject 카테고리창 - Tilt and Turn Windows

    지역 가용성
