Semi-Custom Revolving Door with Clad Constructed Wings
The Crane 2000 Series door maintains world class style and function and at the same time leaves room to help manage tight construction budgets.
The Crane 2000 series revolving door enclosure and canopy are by far the best in the industry. The 2000 series door wings are equally well built - fabricated from aluminum, bolted together with heavy-duty fasteners, then clad with stainless steel or bronze for a sleek appearance. The façade attachments are fully customizable. Available in a variety of sizes, finishes, and canopy designs, the 2000 Series revolving door is a robust, reliable entrance that catches the eye.
The Crane 2000 Series uses fully formed and welded aluminum, stainless steel or bronze construction on the enclosure and canopy but allows the wings to be clad in stainless steel or bronze over an aluminum subframe.
Object filename indicates wall attachment configuration type: A B C D F & H (see diagram) and Revit wall types: Solid Wall [no tag] or Curtain Wall, CW.
CAD DWG format files are available online through the dormakaba Crane 2000 product page.
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