CDK 068 actuators are designed to operate COSTER HGM - HMM (ball) and VDM (ceramic disk) valves.
The actuator is mounted directly on the valve so taht no linkage kit is required.
CDK 068 actuators incorporate a reversible synchronous electric motor with three-wire electric control
(common, opens, closes). They can be controlled by an On-Off or modulating device (thermostat, switch, modulating controller) provided with an SPDT output switch.
The electric motor transmits the rotary movement to the mechanical reducing gear which governs the rotation speed of the output shaft and, accordingly, the actuator run time.
The actuator run is 90° and is limited by two miniature switches operated by an end-of-run cam.
They are fitted with two voltage-free SPDT auxiliary miniature switches (switching takes place at approximately the half-run of the actuator).
지역 가용성
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