제품 게시
ETICS: Lithoboard A (Miwo)

ETICS: Lithoboard A (Miwo)

A thick coat, mineral wool, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. collection also offers stone slips as a design choice for your project’s façade including polished natural granite and marble. On certain projects only stone is the option due to planning restrictions or just to create the architect’s vision. Caparol can provide whatever type of stone you require, whether contemporary, rustic or traditional, and with four options in terms of manufacturing and sourcing, the design choice is endless.
  • System features: - Insulation depth: 40-200 mm - Natural stone with reinforced back side: granit, limestone, sandstone. - Natural stone thickness: 12 mm - Natural stone surface: polished, smoothened, satin finish. - Natural stone sizes: Large up to 0,50 m² / Small up to 0,12 m² - Joints: A wide range of colours available. Joint width 6 to 20 mm - Insulation: mineral wool (Lamella or HD) - Fire rating: nonflammable System components: - Adhesives: CT Klebe- und Spachtelmasse 190 - Insulation: Mineralwolle Dämmplatte HD oder Lamelle - Base coat: CT Klebe- und Spachtelmasse 190 - Reinforcement: CT Gewebe 650 - Surface materials: CT Lithoboard Verlegemörtel, CT Lithoboard Fassadenplatte
기술 사양
  • 특징 참조lithoboard-a-miwo
  • 제품군ETICS / EIFS / WDVS
  • 제품분류Stone Wool
  • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
  • 게시일2016-10-14
  • 에디션 넘버1
  • 주 재료암면
  • 부 재료
  • 설계국가독일
  • 제조국가독일
  • BIMobject 카테고리건축 자재 - 단열
  • UNSPSC 이름Wallboard
  • UNSPSC 코드30161501

지역 가용성
