제품 게시
Differential Pressure By-Pass Valve - NA Market

Differential Pressure By-Pass Valve - NA Market

The differential pressure by-pass valve is used in systems with a fixed speed circulating pump supplying several zones controlled by two way zone valves. This valve ensures that the head pressure of the pump is proportional to the number of two way valves being closed. It will by-pass the differential pressure created by the pump as the zone valves close, thus eliminating water hammer noise.

The 519 series is available with conventional NPT and sweat union connections. Also available for size 3/4”, the press tail-piece with union nut makes installation and maintenance fast, easy and efficient. Special slots in the EPDM O-ring allows fluid to leak during system testing if unpressed and provide a perfect leak proof seal when completely pressed.

PLEASE download from "technical description" on this page the Revit Content Instruction Guide to aid in understanding what is in the Revit family and how to select various available options.

  • Differential pressure by-pass valve. Union connections: 3/4" MNPT union inlet x 3/4" MNPT union outlet, 3/4" union press inlet x 3/4" union press outlet, 3/4" sweat union inlet x 3/4" sweat union outlet, 1" FNPT inlet x 1" MNPT union outlet, 1" FNPT inlet x 1" sweat union outlet, 1-1/4" FNPT inlet x 1-1/4" MNPT union outlet and 1-1/4" FNPT inlet x 1-1/4" sweat union outlet. Brass body. Brass valve plug. EPDM valve plug gasket. EPDM O-Ring seals. Asbestos free NBR union seals. ABS control knob. Stainless steel spring. Suitable fluids: water, or 30% glycol solution. Temperature range 32 to 230°F (0 to 110°C). Maximum working pressure 150 psi (10 bar). Setting range is 1 to 6 m w.g. (2 to 10 psi) and flow rates 3/4" flow up to 9 gpm, 1" flow up to 40 gpm and 1-1/4" flow up to 45 gpm.

    PLEASE download from "technical description" on this page the Revit Content Instruction Guide to aid in understanding what is in the Revit family and how to select various available options.

기술 사양
  • 특징 참조519A
  • 제품군HVAC
  • 제품분류North America
  • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
  • 게시일2022-09-27
  • 에디션 넘버1
  • 설계국가이탈리아
  • 제조국가이탈리아
  • BIMobject 카테고리HVAC - HVAC

지역 가용성
