제품 게시
Single Casement Window With Roller Shutter- Renovation installation Alya - OF1
Single Casement Window With Roller Shutter- Renovation installation Alya - OF1

    Single Casement Window With Roller Shutter- Renovation installation Alya - OF1

    Alya single window renovation installation with shutter option

    Thanks to an optimal thermal insulation, a reinforced air tightness and a unique style, Alya allows every architectural projects to mix low cost, design and colors of aluminium with PVC performances.

    An aluminium window with PVC core :

    Matching aluminium and PVC's advantages to perfection, the Alya window combines a 70mm PVC frame from the A80 range with an aluminium cowl that offers a modern design and exceptional thermal performances
    – an PVC invisible leaf of 80mm thickness which core is of coextruded foam.
    The secret of the perfomance resides in a innovating industrial process combining gluing of the glazing in the leaf and foaming of the opening leaf. That gives the window a great resistance, an optimal water and air tightness and removes possibilities of future distortion.

    100% Customizable :

    To adapt to architectural requirements of a home or to aim at a more unusual style, Alya is 100% customizable :
    – On the exterior side, the Dekolak coating available in several colors, in either smooth or textured finishes grants excellent impact and scratch resistance to the window,
    – On the interior side, the Dekoline white or a Dekoplak wooden finish
    Thanks to its refined profines with rectangular lignes similar to an aluminium window, Alya optimizes light transmittance

    Shutter Options:

    The CRX built-in shutter is a "window + shutter" combination properly adapted to Renovation construction. The latest technological innovations grants the shutter box exceptional air tightness, thermal and acoustic performances and make it compliant with the French RT 2012 rules and fitting to energy efficient buildings.

    • Performances:
      Uw : 1,2 W/m2.K
      Sound reduction RW : 28 to 40 dB
      AEV : A*4-E*7A-V*A2 (or A*4-E*8-V*A3 depending on options)
      Solar gain : 0,44
      Visible light transmission : 44%

      Shutter Options:

      Soprofen CRX shutter box performance :
      Uc : up to 0,67+0,01/Lc (for shutter box with reinforced insulation installed in 160mm insulation)
      Class 4 in motor, winch and strap
      Class 5 option : winch and motor

    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조ALYA-OF1PR
    • 제품군ALYA
    • 제품분류Renovation
    • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
    • 게시일2019-10-28
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 주 재료PVC
    • 부 재료유리
    • 설계국가프랑스
    • 제조국가프랑스
    • BIMobject 카테고리창 - Single Hung Windows
    • IFC 분류
    • UNSPSC 이름Windows
    • UNSPSC 코드301716
    • Uniclass 2015 코드Pr_30_59_98_15
    • Uniclass 2015 설명Composite window units
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 코드08 54 00
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 제목Composite Windows
    • OmniClass 번호23-17 13 19
    • OmniClass 제목Composite Windows
    • CSI 단일 형식 II 코드B2020
    • CSI 단일 형식 II 제목Exterior Windows

    지역 가용성
