제품 게시
Fixed PVC Window With Roller Shutter - Renovation installation - A70 range
Fixed PVC Window With Roller Shutter - Renovation installation - A70 range
Fixed PVC Window With Roller Shutter - Renovation installation - A70 range
Fixed PVC Window With Roller Shutter - Renovation installation - A70 range
Fixed PVC Window With Roller Shutter - Renovation installation - A70 range
Fixed PVC Window With Roller Shutter - Renovation installation - A70 range
Fixed PVC Window With Roller Shutter - Renovation installation - A70 range

    Fixed PVC Window With Roller Shutter - Renovation installation - A70 range

    A70 Fixed window, renovation installation style with shutter option

    Innovating and technical, the A70 Elegance doors and windows meet the current strictest standards for both durability, quality, thermal and acoustic insulation performances.

    La gamme A70 Elégance est disponible en Blanc (Ral 9010), Beige (Ral 1015) et gris (Ral 7035) teintée dans la masse ainsi qu'en finition DEKOLINE, plaxage  à chaud, en Chêne doré ou liege, noyer, gris anthracite ou acajou en 1 face extérieure (base blanche) ou deux faces.

    With a variation that is targetting a better quality-price ratio and designed to meet confort and economical expectations, the A70 Classic doors and windows can be installed in both renovation and new construction.

    La gamme A70 Classic est disponible en Blanc (Ral 9010), Beige (Ral 1015)et gris (Ral 7035) teintée dans la masse.

    Options Volets:

    Le bloc-baie CRX est un ensemble « volet + fenêtre » particulièrement adapté à la, renovation installation style. Les dernières innovations apportées lui confèrent des performances thermiques, phoniques et de perméabilité à l’air exceptionnelles, conformes aux exigences de la RT 2012 et aux bâtiments basse consommation.

    • A70 Elegance range performances :
      Uw : 1,3 W/m2.K (Uglass UG=1,1 W/m2.K with warm edge divider)
      Sound reduction RW : 35 à 45 dB
      AEV : A*4-E*7A-V*A2 (or V*A3 depending on options)
      Solar gain : 0,42
      Visible light transmission : 55%

      A70 Classic range performances :
      Uw : 1,4 W/m2.K (Uglass UG=1,1 W/m2.K with aluminium divider)
      Sound reduction RW : 35 à 45 dB
      AEV : A*4-E*7A-V*A2 
      Solar gain : 0,42
      Visible light transmission : 55%

    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조A70_FFPR
    • 제품군A70
    • 제품분류Renovation
    • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
    • 게시일2018-11-20
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 주 재료PVC
    • 부 재료유리
    • 설계국가프랑스
    • 제조국가프랑스
    • BIMobject 카테고리창 - 고정 프레임
    • IFC 분류
    • UNSPSC 이름Fixed windows
    • UNSPSC 코드30171609
    • Uniclass 2015 코드EF_25_30
    • Uniclass 2015 설명Doors and windows
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 코드08 50 00
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 제목Windows
    • OmniClass 번호23-17 13 00
    • OmniClass 제목Windows
    • CSI 단일 형식 II 코드B2020
    • CSI 단일 형식 II 제목Exterior Windows

    지역 가용성
