Single-module student locker with four compartments. Ventilation holes at the bottom, top and rear. Locking system sold separately
Maximise the use of your premises with these space-efficient Z lockers. Each unit takes up minimal space and with four separate compartments in each module, four people can easily share a single locker. Lockers are ideal solutions for both school corridors and public facilities requiring hard-wearing fixtures. The student locker is made of powder-coated sheet steel. The powder coating gives the metal lockers a durable finish for high wear-resistance. The frame is 1 mm thick and the doors 3 mm thick and fitted with a full-length piano hinge each. The lockers are well-ventilated by means of perforations at the bottom and top and rear of the frame. Add door knobs for padlocks or cylinder locks with a master-key system.지역 가용성
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