Precast, Crystalline, Concrete Waterproofing, Waterproof Concrete, Bentonite, Bituthene, Positive Side Waterproofing, Negative Side Waterproofing, Below Grade, Red Oxide Pigment, Precast
2.01 Materials
A. Acceptable Manufacturer:
Xypex Chemical Corporation
13731 Mayfield Place, Richmond, B.C., Canada V6V 2G9
Tel: 800 961.4477 or 604 273.5265
Fax: 604 270.0451
Note: Acceptable manufacturers include all licensed manufacturing operations of Xypex Chemical Corporation.
B. Proprietary Products: Xypex crystalline precast concrete waterproofing materials as follows:
1. Xypex Admix C-500 RED
2. Xypex Admix C-1000 RED
C. Substitutions: No substitutions permitted.
D. Source Quality: Obtain all proprietary crystalline waterproofing products from a single manufacturer.
2.02 Dosage
A. General: Xypex Admix must be added to concrete mix at time of batching.
B. Dosage Rate: Under normal conditions, the crystalline waterproofing powder shall be added to the concrete mix at the following rates:
- Xypex Admix C-500 RED
- 2% by weight of cement content
- Xypex Admix C-1000 RED
- 3% - 3.5% by weight of cement content
For Xypex Admix NF Series dosages are 1% - 1.5% by weight of cement content.
Note: For enhanced chemical protection or for meeting specific project requirements or where the concrete mix design contains higher than 25% type F fly ash content or includes a Portland cement/slag cement/type C fly ash blend, consult with manufacturer or its authorized representative to determine appropriate dosage rates.
Keywords: Precast, Crystalline, Concrete Waterproofing, Waterproof Concrete, Bentonite, Bituthene, Positive Side Waterproofing, Negative Side Waterproofing, Below Grade, Red Oxide Pigment, Precast