Vitofflex 300 UF 950 kW

Vitofflex 300 UF 950 kW

Wood boiler with state of the art grate combustion, from 390 to 1250 kW. For wood fuels with a maximum moisture content of 50 percent. The moving infeed grate, proven combustion retort and sloping external grate in the Vitoflex 300-UF optimally combine the benefits of infeed and underfeed combustion. A feed screw conveyor guides the wood fuel into the combustion retort, where it is pre- dried. The fuel is completely degassed on the external grate and the moving infeed grate. The wood gases are then burned with the aid of a regulated supply of secondary air. Top quality design and construction The Vitoflex 300-UF wood boiler features high quality construction for use under the toughest conditions (high fuel flexibility from M10 to M50). The inside of the combustion chamber is lined with pressed fireclay bricks with a high clay content for greater durability. All grate elements are high quality, heavy gauge chromium steel castings that can withstand very high temperatures. A distinguishing feature of the Vitoflex 300-UF wood boiler is its proven three-pass heat exchanger, providing maximum heat transfer and exceptional e ciency. Clean and e cient combustion The combustion technology of the Vitoflex 300-UF achieves low emission values (particularly for CO and NOx). Operation with modulating output control and the optimised combustion principle enables e ciency levels of up to 92 percent.
  • Unique refZK02058
  • コレクションセットHeating systems
  • コレクションWood heating systems
  • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
  • 公開日2018-02-11
  • エディション1
  • 高さ(Mm)3035
  • 幅(mm)1612
  • 奥行き(mm)3835
  • 主なマテリアルスチール
  • 副マテリアルアルミニウム
  • 設計国ドイツ
  • 製造国ドイツ
  • 正味重量(kg)11463
  • BIMobjectカテゴリHVAC - ボイラー
  • IFC分類ボイラー
  • UNSPSC名称Boilers
  • UNSPSC401020
  • Uniclass2015コードPr_60_60_08
  • Uniclass2015詳細Boilers
  • MasterFormat 2014 コード23 52 00
  • MasterFormat 2014 タイトルHeating Boilers
  • OmniClassNumber23-33 11 00
  • OmniClassタイトルCommercial Boilers
  • UniFormatIIコードD3020
  • UniFormatIIタイトルHeat Generating Systems
