Vitoflex 300 RF 400 KW

Vitoflex 300 RF 400 KW

Innovative wood boiler with rotation combustion from 150 to 540 kW. For wood fuels with a maximum moisture content of 35 percent. The patented rotation combustion system of the Vitoflex 300-RF wood boiler is state of the art. A feed screw conveyor continuously conveys wood fuel onto a moving grate, where gasification of the fuel occurs (with Lambda regulated primary air supply). Continuous gasification occurs under air starvation. Rotary fans mix rising combustion gases with secondary air that has been atomised and subjected to angular momentum. This ensures thorough mixing of the air and combustion gases. Clean and e cient combustion The proven combustion technology of the Vitoflex 300-RF achieves similar emission values to those of a modern gas combustion system and keeps the release of CO, NOx and dust particles to a minimum, subject to fuel type. The combination of combustion technology and digital modulating output control enables e ciency levels of up to 94 percent. Mobile heating centre in container Vitoflex 300-RF wood boilers are available as containerised complete solutions for situations where there are no boiler houses available or where on-site building costs have to be reduced to a minimum. This ready- to-use solution includes a pre-assembled wood boiler inside a special container and all auxiliary appliances. Individual container solutions can be specially adapted to meet specific requirements.
  • Unique refZK02035
  • コレクションセットHeating systems
  • コレクションWood heating systems
  • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
  • 公開日2018-02-11
  • エディション1
  • 高さ(Mm)2262
  • 幅(mm)1570
  • 奥行き(mm)2806
  • 主なマテリアルスチール
  • 副マテリアルアルミニウム
  • 設計国ドイツ
  • 製造国ドイツ
  • 正味重量(kg)4438
  • BIMobjectカテゴリHVAC - ボイラー
  • IFC分類ボイラー
  • UNSPSC名称Boilers
  • UNSPSC401020
  • Uniclass2015コードPr_60_60_08
  • Uniclass2015詳細Boilers
  • MasterFormat 2014 コード23 52 00
  • MasterFormat 2014 タイトルHeating Boilers
  • OmniClassNumber23-33 11 00
  • OmniClassタイトルCommercial Boilers
  • UniFormatIIコードD3020
  • UniFormatIIタイトルHeat Generating Systems