Commercial Custom size Curb Mount Domed Skylight (CMT_) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees
VELUX roof windows

Commercial Custom size Curb Mount Domed Skylight (CMT_) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees




優れた水管理と安全なサーマル シールにより、当社の伝統的なドームはあらゆる空間に革新的な採光をもたらします。ヒップ リッジ、ピラミッド ドーム、および従来のラウンド ドームで利用可能なこれらの天窓は、革新的なカプセル化されたワンピースの内部フレームのおかげで乾式で取り付けることができます。

外側の縁石のサイズに最も近い 1/4 インチにフィットするように製造されており、すべての側面に 1/2 インチのクリアランスがあります。特定のサイズとクラシックな外観を必要とする目に見える用途に最適です。


  • CMT2 – カーブマウントの伝統的なダブルドーム
  • CMT3 – カーブ マウントの伝統的なトリプル ドーム
  • CMT4 – Lumira レイライト付きの縁石マウント シングル トラディショナル ドーム
  • CMT5 – セキュリティバーとルミラレイライトを備えた縁石マウントシングルトラディショナルドーム
  • CMT6 – Lumira レイライトを備えたカーブ マウント ダブル トラディショナル ドーム
  • CMT7 – セキュリティバーとルミラレイライトを備えたカーブマウントダブルトラディショナルドーム
  • CMP2 – カーブ マウント ピラミッド ダブル ドーム
  • CMP3 – カーブ マウント ピラミッド トリプル ドーム
  • CMP4 – Lumira レイライト付き縁石マウント シングル ピラミッド
  • CMP5 - セキュリティ バーとルミラ レイライトを備えた縁石マウント シングル ピラミッド
  • CMP6 – Lumira レイライト付き縁石マウント ピラミッド ダブル ドーム
  • CMP7 - セキュリティ バーとルミラ レイライトを備えた縁石マウント ピラミッド ダブル ドーム

グレージング オプション


  • LuxGuard クリア オーバー ホワイト プリズム (P1C2)
  • LuxGuard クリアオーバーホワイト (P1P2)
  • LuxGuard クリア オーバー クリア (P1P1)
  • LuxGuard clear over Satin Ice (P1H1)
  • LuxGuard クリア オーバー クリア オーバー ホワイト プリズム (P1C2)
  • LuxGuard クリア オーバー クリア オーバー クリア (P1P1)
  • LuxGuard クリア オーバー クリア オーバー サテン アイス (P1H1)


  • 透明なアクリル ドーム上のサテン Sky2 (E2A1)
  • 白いアクリル ドーム上のサテン Sky2 (E2A2)
  • クリアアクリルの上にサテンスカイ (E2A1)
  • Satin Ice (E2H1) 上の透明アクリル上の Satin Sky2


  • 透明アクリルの上に透明アクリル – (A1A1)
  • 透明アクリルの上に透明アクリル – (A1A1)
  • サテンアイスの上に透明なアクリル (A1H1)
  • 白いアクリルの上に白いアクリル (A2A1)
  • 透明アクリルの上にブロンズアクリル (A4A1)

耐衝撃性改良アクリル (IMA)

  • 100% クリア、50% ホワイト プリズム

ルクスガード プラス

  • 0.150 クリア スムース オーバー .118 ホワイト PC


詳細については 1-888-878-3589 までお電話いただくか、価格についてはお近くの VELUX ディーラーにお問い合わせください。

    • Commercial Traditional Dome Unit Skylight - Guide Specification

      For over 80 years, VELUX has been delivering energy efficient daylight to living spaces where people, live, work, and play. VELUX is the world leader in harnessing the benefits of the sun, providing energy efficient top lighting solutions, and recognized as one of the strongest brands in the global materials and home improvement industry.

      VELUX test facilities ensure that new products comply with regulations and market demands for technical performance. VELUX testing ensures that our products withstand the most difficult climatic conditions in the markets where they are sold. Our test procedures include load capacity, air and water tightness in a test chamber and a weather simulator, mechanical tests, impact test results, durability tests, U-factor and solar heat gain tests, burn brand resistance and visual inspection of the surface quality.

      Contact VELUX America LLC, Greenwood, SC 29648; www.VELUXusa.com; 800-888-3589, specifications@veluxusa.com.

      VELUX® is a registered trademark of VKR Holding A/S

      This document is Copyright© 2022 by VELUX America LLC.

        1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products of VELUX America LLC, Greenwood, SC 29648, www.veluxusa.com.

      Specifier: Retain "Substitutions" Paragraph and select one of two options based upon Project requirements.

      1. Substitutions: [None allowed by Owner] [As permitted under Instructions to Bidders and Section 012500 "Substitution Procedures"].
      2. Source Limitations: Obtain unit skylights through single source from single manufacturer.

      Specifier: Retain integral double sided insulated aluminum curb text for deck mount skylights DMT-.

      1. TRADITIONAL DOME UNIT SKYLIGHT ([Curb Mount Model CMT-] [Deck Mount Model DMT-])
        1. System Description: Traditional dome, [curb] [deck] mounted fixed skylight utilizing extruded aluminum frame counter-flashing with welded corners, a PVC inner frame allowing condensation drainage, structural sealant, [integral double sided insulated aluminum curb] and accessories, as required to meet installation and performance requirements indicated. Traditional dome skylights shall be suitable for installation on roof pitches ranging from 0 degrees up to 60 degrees from horizontal.
          1. Basis of Design: VELUX America LLC, Model [CMT-] [DMT-] Traditional Dome Skylight.

      Specifier: The Custom Thermoformed Dome Skylight glazing is sized to meet the specific unit skylight requirements. Prismatic sheets are not offered for the outer dome as prisms pointed away from sun refract as much as 10% the light to the exterior resulting in less daylight passing through the prismatic material. Prismatic sheets used for the inner dome where the prisms point to the light source allows all the daylight to pass through and fully diffuses the light as intended. VELUX refers to polycarbonate traditional domes as LuxGuard and LuxGuard Plus. The LuxGuard and LuxGuard Plus polycarbonate sheets have an integrated enhanced spectral protection (UV blocking) that insures long-term color and performance stability.

      Model CMT2 is a curb mounted traditional double dome skylight with aluminum frame. Model DMT2 is a deck mounted traditional double dome skylight with aluminum frame and integral curb. Model CMT3 is a curb mounted traditional triple dome skylight with aluminum frame. Model DMT3 is a deck mounted traditional triple dome skylight with aluminum frame and integral curb.

      Use white color interior dome when specifying 100% light diffusion.

      1. Thermoformed Traditional Dome: Outer dome shall be formed from smooth sheet and not prismatic in order to transmit all incident daylight through outer dome. [Provide outer polycarbonate domes with integral UV blocking cap layer that prevents long-term yellowing, and insures material strength and performance stability.] [Light diffusion 100%.]

      Specifier: Select double dome glazing(s) required for project a) impact modified acrylic, b) polycarbonate (LuxGuard), c) Polycarbonate (LuxGuard Plus), d) Infrared blocking acrylic or e) acrylic.

      1. [Double dome:

        Specifier: Infrared blocking material is only available as an outer dome for triple dome skylights.

        1. [Triple Dome:
          1. [Polycarbonate (LuxGuard) - Outer dome clear polycarbonate, 0.118 inches in thickness with UV blocking cap layer. Middle dome clear polycarbonate 0.118 inches in thickness. Inner dome [white prismatic polycarbonate, 0.118 inches in thickness.] [polycarbonate, 0.118 inches in thickness], color [clear] [white]. [acrylic satin ice, 0.118 inches in thickness].]]
          2. [Infrared Blocking Acrylic – Outer dome Satin Sky 2, 0.118 inches in thickness. Middle dome clear acrylic 0.118 inches in thickness. Inner dome [clear] [white] acrylic, 0.118 inches in thickness.]]

        Specifier: Middle dome only available with Satin Sky 2 outer dome when specifying energy domes.

        1. [Energy Dome: Outer dome [clear polycarbonate (LuxGuard) 0.118 inches in thickness with UV blocking cap layer] [infrared blocking acrylic (Satin Sky 2) 0.118 inches in thickness]. [Middle dome clear acrylic 0.118 inches in thickness.] Inner glazing flat 3/8 inches thick, clear multi-walled polycarbonate filled with Lumira aerogel [incased in tray with 0.5 inch diameter security bars].]

        Specifier: Traditional dome skylights are not available as a stocked product.

        1. Aluminum Frame Counter-flashing: Maintenance-free, extruded aluminum, grade 6063-T6, 0.08 inch (2.0 mm) thick with [mill] [neutral grey powder coat] finish. Counter-flashing frames completely welded in corners and counter flashes curb a minimum of 1.625 inches (41 mm). Provide aluminum frame with at least 0.5 inch (12 mm) continuous ledge on each side of the skylight that is a pinch free access for stacking, manual transportation and mounting of skylights.
          1. Unit Sizes: [As indicated on drawings.]
        2. 100% Thermally Broken PVC inner-frame for Condensation Drainage: Factory applied white PVC inner-frame assembly providing a thermal break weather seal and drainage for condensation. The inner-frame design allows positive condensation to the exterior of the curb without exposed drainage openings in the aluminum frame that can introduce air infiltration into the skylight. The PVC inner-frame construction consists of coextruded fins allowing for a dry installation of skylight to the curb, eliminating weather seal strips or caulking at the top of the curb.
        1. Structural Sealant: Factory applied InstantGlaze sealant, bonding the dome to the aluminum frame and suitable for external exposure.

        Specifier: Model DMT- is a Deck Mounted Traditional Dome skylight. Deck mounted skylights are provided with factory installed integral double walled aluminum insulated curbs. Only include deck mount aluminum curb when deck mount skylights are specified.

        1. Deck Mount Aluminum Curb: Factory installed and insulated aluminum curb, 1.5 inches in thickness with 20 gauge mill finished aluminum exterior and 22 gauge mill finished aluminum interior. Curb factory insulated with 1.5 inches of polyisocyanurate board providing an R-value of 8.5. Width and length of curb shall be sized as indicated on drawings with [9] [12] [16] inch curb height. Curb roof mounting flange shall be a minimum 2.75 inches in width.

        • Unique refvelux-skyight-cm
        • コレクションセットWindows
        • コレクションSkylights
        • 公開日2025-01-21
        • エディション1
        • 主なマテリアルアルミニウム
        • 副マテリアルポリカーボネイト
        • 設計国アメリカ合衆国
        • 製造国アメリカ合衆国
        • BIMobjectカテゴリ窓 - 天窓(特殊)・ガラス天井
        • IFC分類
        • ETIM コードEC003112
        • ETIM 名Skylight


        オセアニア 北米 南アメリカ