SAND 105
SAND 105
SAND 105
SAND 105
SAND 105
SAND 105
    Sandrini Metalli

    SAND 105

    The SAND 105 profile is part of the family of "large span" profiles, which are particularly suitable for the construction of buildings characterized by structural steps of medium and large dimensions.

    Easy transport and handling, rapidity and simplicity of installation are the peculiar characteristics that distinguish them: the installation takes place completely dry, with variable fixing systems depending on the structure.

    • Compared to a traditional precast prestressed concrete solution, "large span" structural floors have the following advantages:


      High capacity: a wide range of profiles with different parameters (height and pitch) are available and can be produced in different thicknesses according to specific design requirements;

      Enhanced security: thanks to the contained own weight, they give the structure a better anti-seismic behavior;

      Versatility: they adapt perfectly to any type of flat, curved or inclined structure.

      In the Perforated version, they give the roofing package a high sound absorption capacity.


      Construction cost: the structural system for large spans, thanks to its much lower weight, allows the construction of buildings with smaller load-bearing elements with consequent economic savings.

      Transport cost: the packaging and the reduced dimensions of the corrugated sheets allow to transport, for each single vehicle, a much higher quantity of material, on average about 2000/2500 m2

      Labor cost: savings on labor, given the rapidity of installation, usability and immediate static efficiency. The speed of installation and ease of handling allow for significant savings in labor costs and execution time.

      All large light profiles are available in Positive, Negative, Perforated versions and can be supplied with the following applications on the internal side: SANDnodrip non-woven fabric with anti-condensation function, or SANDcontrol non-woven fabric with anti-noise and anti-condensation function.

    • Unique refSAND_105
    • コレクションセットlamiere grecate
    • コレクションsand 105
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2021-02-02
    • エディション1
    • 高さ(Mm)105
    • 主なマテリアルメタル
    • 設計国イタリア
    • 製造国イタリア
    • BIMobjectカテゴリ建設 - 屋根
    • UNSPSC名称Laminate flooring
    • UNSPSC30161710
    • OmniClassNumber23-13 17 11 15 11 15
    • OmniClassタイトルLaminated Rigid Profiles