GORDONRAY® DF Dual-Fired Infrared Heater - (Two-Stage Operation)
Roberts-Gordon LLC

GORDONRAY® DF Dual-Fired Infrared Heater - (Two-Stage Operation)


GORDONRAY®DFは、突然の高熱損失状態に効果的に適応できる2段階のテクノロジーを備えているか、2つの異なる速度で発火できるため、経済的に安定した快適レベルを維持できます。 ROBERTSGORDON®赤外線ヒーターで期待されるのと同じ高水準で構築されたGORDONRAY®DFは、商用/産業用アプリケーションでの暖房に最適な燃料効率の高い選択肢です。

  • High Input (Btu/h) * (1000): 80, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200

    Low Input (Btu/h) * (1000): 55, 70, 85, 105, 120, 130

    Clearances to Combustibles (Clearances to Combustibles applies to heater hanging horizontally. Dimension listed for distance below heater.): 65in - 82in / 5.4ft - 6.8ft

    Fuel Type: Natural Gas

    Heat Exchanger Tubing: 10ft sections, 4" dia., 16 gauge, first ten feet ALUMI-THERM® steel tubing / Remaining Heat Treated Aluminized Steel Tubing

    Reflector and End Caps: .024 Aluminum (Optional- .024 Stainless Steel Type 304) 

    Control System: Fully Automatic, Three-Try, 100% Shut-off, Direct Spark Electronic Ignition Control, Dual Stage Firing Rate

    Certification: ANSI Z83.20 / CSA 2.34, 2.17, 2.20

    Warranty: Three Year Limited

    Gas-fired low-intensity infrared tube heaters are an extremely efficient and high comfort heating solution. Low-intensity tube heaters provide more design flexibility than any other type of infrared heater with the ability to direct heat only where needed in spot heating applications. Or designed to heat and maintain high comfort levels for an entire space, including buildings with high ceilings.

    Gas-fired low intensity infrared tube heaters are ideal for applications such as: loading docks (dock doors), auto/vehicle repair shops, warehouses, distribution centers, manufacturing, airplane hangars, high heat-loss areas, greenhouses (e.g. flowers, cannabis, etc...), firehouses, outdoor patios (hospitality), chicken houses, hog houses, horse barns, military, and more!

  • Unique refrobertsgordon-gordonraydf
  • コレクションセットCommercial and Industrial Infrared Heating System
  • コレクションGORDONRAY® DF
  • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
  • 公開日2015-02-01
  • エディション3
  • 主なマテリアルスチール
  • 副マテリアルステンレス
  • 設計国アメリカ合衆国
  • 製造国アメリカ合衆国
  • BIMobjectカテゴリHVAC - ヒーター
  • IFC分類スペースヒーター
  • UNSPSC名称Tubular heaters
  • UNSPSC40101822
  • Uniclass2015コードPr_70_60_36_72
  • Uniclass2015詳細Radiant tube heaters
  • MasterFormat 2014 コード23 55 23
  • MasterFormat 2014 タイトルGas-Fired Radiant Heaters
  • OmniClassNumber23-33 15 17 13
  • OmniClassタイトルFuel Fired HVAC Radiant Heaters
  • UniFormatIIコードD3090
  • UniFormatIIタイトルOther HVAC Systems & Equipment

