Technical specifications
Find all the technical product information in the Technical Data Sheet available in "Download"
Aluminium blades :
- PX39 = curved blade 39 mm Alu double-wall profile with CFC-free polyurethane foam
- PX39 Thermo-Reflex™ = curved blade 39 mm Alu double-wall profile with polyurethane foam with Thermo-Reflex™ winter special thermal lacquer to retain the interior heat
- PX39 ISOMAXX = curved slat 39 mm Alu double-skinned profile with polyurethane foam with Thermo-Reflex™ and Beckrytherm thermal lacquer for double insulating effect Summer-Winter
- PX40 = 40 mm flat slat 40 mm double-walled aluminium profile with CFC-free polyurethane foam
- PX55 = 55 mm curved blade 55 mm Double-walled aluminium profile with CFC-free polyurethane foam
PVC blades :
- PVC40 : 40 mm curved blade
Manoeuvres that can be done :
Radio (Profalux engine only)
Wired (Profalux motor only)
Slide : C48 - C62 - C62L - C63 (depending on blades and configuration)
Min. limits :
Profalux Electric motor without back-up
LDC* min. = 425 mm (443 if slide different from C48R)
HCC* min. = 400 mm
Limits of use of Evolution 4 aluminium blades According to type of blades - download technical data sheet
Box :
Box shape : square
Box sections : 123/ 132/155/170/205/230 - depending on blades and configurations.
Box dimensions :
123 X 230 mm
132 X 137 mm
155 X 157 mm
170 X 170 mm
205 X 205 mm
230 X 230 mm
Max. length : 14 mm/side
Wind resistance V*3 or V*5 according to blades and / or dimensions
Please note : The mobile app « Vente & Volet » allows you to calculate in a few clicks the wind resistance class your rolling shutters, BSO or vertical stores may respect. For your project according to the DTU 34.4