Henkel Polybit Watertite WA16

Henkel Polybit Watertite WA16


Watertite WA16 は、複合防水膜とタイル仕上げシステムで、スイミングプールのように、洗浄および浄水化学薬品とともに継続的に高水圧にさらされる水域構造物向けに特別に設計されています。


- プール

- 大きなタイル

- 交通量の多いエリア

  • Characteristics:

    • Good flexibility
    • High chemical resistance
    • Good mechanical properties
    • Anti-fungal/ Anti-bacterial
    • Good adhesion to both porous and non-porous surfaces
    • Good mechanical properties
    • For ceramic tiles (glazed & terracotta), vitrified tiles, porcelain tiles, mosaic tiles and natural stones like granite, sandstone
    • Easy workability
    • Crack resistance
    • Smooth surface finish


    1. Polyflex - A two component polymer mortar composite flexible water proofing slurry is applied at a minimum thickness of 2mm in two coats on the concrete surface to protect the underlying screed against moisture penetration.

    2. Watertite CL 252 - Non-woven sealing tape applied in all corners, joints, edges, floor drains and other penetrations.

    3. Ceresit CM17 - super flexible, high-performance polymer modified cementitious tile adhesive that is used for indoor and outdoor installation.

    4. Ceresit CE47 - a premium product for ceramic and floor tiles. This epoxy tile joint filler can be used as both an adhesive and grout and is suitable for wall and floor tiles. It’s easy to use and highly temperature resistant.

    System specification:

    - Mixed density, [g/cc]: 1.8±0.02 (ASTM D 1475)

    - Tensile strength, [N/mm2]: > 8 (ASTM D 412)

    - Elongation, [%]: > 50 (ASTM D 412)

    - Adhesion strength, [N/mm2]: > 0.5 (ASTM D 4541)

    - Crack bridging, [mm]: > 0.5 (ASTM C 836)

    - Hydrostatic pressure @ 5 bar: No leakage (BS EN 12390)

    - Hydrostatic negative pressure@ 3 bar: No leakage (BS EN 12390)

    - Toxicity: Non toxic (BS 6920 [WRAS])

    - Reaction to fire: Class A (ASTM E 84)

    - Abrasion resistance, [mg]: < 75 (ASTM D 4060)

    - VOC, [g/l]: < 50 (ASTM D 3960/D 236)

  • Unique refwatertite-wa-16
  • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
  • 公開日2023-12-18
  • エディション1
  • 主なマテリアルセメント混合物
  • 副マテリアルエポキシ樹脂
  • 設計国アラブ首長国連邦
  • 製造国アラブ首長国連邦
  • BIMobjectカテゴリ建築資材 - 防水・耐水材
  • IFC分類建物エレメント
  • Uniclass2015コードSs_32_80
  • Uniclass2015詳細Waterproofing and tanking systems
  • MasterFormat 2014 コード07 10 00
  • MasterFormat 2014 タイトルDampproofing and Waterproofing
  • OmniClassNumber23-13 25 17
  • OmniClassタイトルWaterproofing
  • UniFormatIIコードA20

