FLAMINGO Applique 300
FLAMINGO Applique 300
FLAMINGO Applique 300

    FLAMINGO Applique 300

    A family of spacious and versatile light products, designed for “contemporary spaces” where boundary between indoors and outdoors is dissolved. The soft and diffused light effect is comfortable, scenic and completely full CUT-OFF. Applique, maxi adjustable applique with long outreaches, floor lamps and poles at different heights, suspensions and ceiling products designed to bring the light only where it is needed, exploiting the existing light points. Simple, soft and elegant shapes to emphasize the areas, exploiting the light points on the ceiling. Two versions available: technical and compact or decorative and suspended, with long rigid rod. The Pole versions of Flamingo are suitable for: terraces, dining areas, living areas, porches, covered walkways, bathrooms, and wellness areas.

    • Body and wall mounting rod made in corrosion resistant and painted aluminium alloy. Protection with anodizing treatment, epoxy powder base coating and polyester painting. Diffuser made in opal PMMA. Product with no visible screws.

    • Unique refflamingo_applique_300
    • コレクションセットFLAMINGO Collection
    • コレクションFLAMINGO Bollard
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2019-06-07
    • エディション1
    • 主なマテリアルアルミニウム
    • 副マテリアルポリカーボネイト
    • 設計国イタリア
    • 製造国イタリア
    • BIMobjectカテゴリ照明 - 屋外
    • IFC分類照明設備
    • UNSPSC名称Lighting Fixtures and Accessories
    • UNSPSC3911
    • OmniClassNumber23-35 47 11
    • OmniClassタイトルLighting Fixtures


    5.0 out of 5 stars 5.0 (6)