Pyrotenax 2 Hour Fire Rated Single Power Conductors
Pyrotenax 2 Hour Fire Rated Single Power Conductors
Pyrotenax 2 Hour Fire Rated Single Power Conductors
Pyrotenax 2 Hour Fire Rated Single Power Conductors

    Pyrotenax 2 Hour Fire Rated Single Power Conductors


    Pyrotenax MI 無機単導体配線ケーブル ソリューションは、火災発生時に生命安全回路の重要な性能を妥協することなく最大電流容量を提供します。業界で最も幅広い製品範囲、60 年を超える経験、そして世界中で 3,000 万フィート以上の実証済みの優れた性能システムを備え、最も必要なときに居住者と救急隊員を保護します。生涯延長保証をご利用いただけます。


    PYROTENAX 2 時間耐火ケーブルは、信頼性が高く、用途が広く、究極の安全性と電気回路保護を提供します。業界をリードする最小設置面積のソリューションにより、追加の導管、コンクリート、石膏ボード、垂直サポート ボックスが不要になります。煙、炎の広がり、燃料の供給はゼロです。従来の導管およびワイヤ システムと比較して、最大 80% のスペースを節約できます。

    • Fire-RatED WIRING SYSTEMS (U.S.)

      This specification is dated 05/01/2022 and supersedes all previous versions.

      For detailed design information, please contact your local representative, our website at nVent.com/PRYOTENAX or nVent Thermal Technical Support 800-545-6258.



        1. Furnish and install a complete UL Listed wiring system consisting of specified wiring cable, components, and accessories listed specifically for use with the system.

        ANSI / UL 2196 "Tests for Fire Resistive Cables”

        1. CSA C22.2#124

        ULC Fire Resistance Directory

        1. SUBMITTALS
          1. Provide product data for each cable type.
          2. Provide manufacturer’s Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency specified under Regulatory Requirements.
          1. Supplier: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in Section 16, Electrical.
          2. Supplier to have more than 30 years’ experience in manufacturing products in North America
          3. Supplier to have more than 30 million feet of product installed in North America
          1. Conform to requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70.
          2. Conform to requirements of the Electrical Circuit Protective System listing in the UL Fire Resistance Directory.
          3. Furnish products listed by Underwriters Laboratories as suitable for the purpose specified.
        4. WARRANTYWhen warranties are required, verify with Owner's counsel that warranties stated in this article are not less than remedies available to Owner under prevailing local laws.For more detailed information on PYROTENAX's Product Warranty, see www.nvent.com/PYROTENAX.As a demonstration of quality, PYROTENAX, a brand of nVent offers a Lifetime extended warranty on all cable and components manufactured. Contractor (or PYROTENAX's field technician) must perform a system test as outlined in PYROTENAX's installation manual. The warranty being offered is required to be published on manufacturer's website.
          1. Manufacturer's Warranty: Provide Owner a product warranty for fire-rated wiring products described below.
            • Contractor must complete insulation resistance testing prior to Commissioning and maintain records of test results.
            • Warranty Period for Wiring Cable: Lifetime from date of Sale.
            • Warranty information must be published on manufacturer's website.
        5. PRODUCTS


        1. 2-hour fire-rated Mineral Insulated (Pyrotenax MI) cables shall be acceptable.
        2. The wiring cable and splices and tees shall be listed in the UL Fire Resistance Directory.
        3. Mineral Insulated wiring Type MI cable shall have:
          1. Description: ANSI/NFPA 70, Type MI

        Conductor: solid high conductivity copper

        1. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 volts

        Cable Temperature Rating: 90 degrees C

        1. Termination Temperature Rating: 90 degrees C

        Insulation Material: magnesium oxide

        1. Sheath Material: seamless soft-drawn copper

        Fire Rating: complete cable system shall have a 2-hour fire rating as listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Contractor shall have a minimum of 10 years of experience in the installation of such systems.

        1. components
          1. Mineral Insulated cable components shall be cCSAus Certified.
          2. Mineral Insulated cable terminations shall consist of nVent:
            1. Pyrotenax Model PyroPak (Installation Sheet H58872) or

        Pyrotenax Model QuickTerm Termination (Installation Sheet H58264 or

        1. H58290) System Startup


        1. Verify that the factory installed temporary end seals are intact.
        2. Verify that no moisture has entered cable insulation.

        End of Section

      • Unique refnvent-thermal-008
      • コレクションセットPyrotenax
      • コレクションFire Rated Wiring
      • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
      • 公開日2023-03-10
      • エディション1
      • 主なマテリアル
      • 副マテリアル断熱材
      • 設計国アメリカ合衆国
      • 製造国アメリカ合衆国
      • BIMobjectカテゴリ防火設備 - 防火装置
      • IFC分類配電
      • ETIM コードEC001951
      • ETIM 名Low voltage cable system

