Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Single Leaf Fire Door NG7
Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Single Leaf Fire Door NG7
Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Single Leaf Fire Door NG7
Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Single Leaf Fire Door NG7
Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Single Leaf Fire Door NG7
    Noberne Doors

    Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Single Leaf Fire Door NG7

    私たちの継続的なテストプログラムにより、38mm FD30ドア、46mm FD60ドア、FD30 X Rayドア、FD30&FD60 Yeoman Shieldクラッドドアセット、FD90ドアセット、FD120ドアセットなど、他の多くのドア会社が実際には製造していない製品を開発することができました。火災試験に関しては、現在の英国規格BS 476 Part 22よりも面倒であることが専門家によって合意された、新しい欧州規格BS EN 1634Part1に対する設計の多くをすでに正常にテストしています。私たちの防火扉の大部分は、木材の周囲にフレームが付いた高密度のフラックスボードコア構造に基づいています。フレームのないGDCチップボードブランクに関連する固有の問題がなく、頑丈で頑丈なドアです。病院、大学、学校など、平均的な強度と耐久性が要求されます。
    • Series 2 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln dried softwood 10-12% moisture content or engineered strand timber, core of high density flaxboard, doors faced with 4mm external grade plywood, MDF, or veneered/laminated chipboard as required. Kiln dried hardwood lippings fixed by hot melt gluing to both long edges, lippings to top and bottom as required. This door is for internal applications only. Thickness 38mm. TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 18kg/m2. Series 3 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln dried softwood 10-12% moisture content or engineered strand timber, core of high density flaxboard, doors faced with 4mm external grade plywood, MDF, or veneered/laminated chipboard as required. Kiln dried hardwood lippings fixed by hot melt gluing to both long edges,lippings to top and bottom as required. Thickness 44mm. Plywood doors 43mm nominal thickness. TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 20kg/m2. Series 4 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln dried softwood 10-12% moisture content or engineered strand timber, core of high density flaxboard, doors faced with 4.5mm nonasbestos insulation board, bonded to each face of the flaxboard and framing, doors faced with 4mm external grade plywood, MDF or veneered/laminated chipboard as required. Kiln dried hardwood lippings fixed by hot melt gluing to both long edges, lippings to top and bottom as required. Thickness 46mm. TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 29kg/m2. Series 5 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln dried softwood 10-12% moisture content or engineered strand timber, core of high density flaxboard, doors faced with 4.5mm nonasbestos insulation board, bonded to each face of the flaxboard and framing, doors faced with 4mm external grade plywood, MDF or veneered/laminated chipboard as required. Kiln dried hardwood lippings fixed by hot melt gluing to both long edges, lippings to top and bottom as required. Thickness 53mm. TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 32kg/m2. Series 6 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln driedhardwood 10-12% moisture content, core of a high density with a non-asbestos insulationboard bonded to each face of the core andframing. Doors faced with 4mm veneered/laminated chipboard MDF or external gradeplywood as required. Kiln dried hardwoodlippings fixed by hot melt glueing to edges.Thickness 56mm.TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 39kg/m2.Frame in hardwood 94 x 44mm finished sizewith 32 x 19mm stop lath with appropriateintumescent and cold smoke seals. Series 7 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln driedhardwood 10-12% moisture content, core of a high density flaxboard with a non-asbestosinsulation board bonded to each face of thecore and framing. Doors faced with 4mmveneered/laminated chipboard or MDF as required. Kiln dried hardwood lippings fixedby hot melt glueing to both long edges.Thickness 62mm TOLERANCE ±2mm Average weight 44kg/m2.Frame 100 x 41mm finished size with 32 x19mm stop lath.
    • Unique refSeries2-7SingleNG7
    • コレクションセットFire
    • コレクションFire Door
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2017-11-13
    • エディション1
    • 主なマテリアル
    • 副マテリアルビニール
    • 設計国イギリス
    • 製造国イギリス
    • BIMobjectカテゴリドア - ドアセット
    • IFC分類ドア
    • UNSPSC名称Doors
    • UNSPSC301715
    • Uniclass2015コードAc_15_50_25
    • Uniclass2015詳細Doors, windows and glazing surveying
    • ProductPage.DetailedInfo.Classifications.COBIetypeCategoryDoor

